
私どもFURUYA(THAILAND)が掲げるビジョンは、伝統や国境を超え成形分野を基軸に市場ニーズに応えつつMade in THAILANDを超越した「Made by FURUYA」の“信頼”をお届けすることです。
Managing Director 降矢 健
We keep going with “Trust” anytime anywhere.
Responding to various requirements in the markets, we deliver our “Trust” of “Made by Furuya” to everywhere in the world. Maintaining Furuya’s challenging spirit and trust, we continue development efforts for advanced technologies and realize the customer values along with our customers.
Driven by such ties of mutual trust, we are engaged in developing and manufacturing next-generation products.
Customer-oriented Furuya Thailand is equipped with the modern production facilities, accelerates product development, challenges to quality improvement and cost reduction, and provides the best practical solutions to our customers around the world.
As a new production site, Furuya Thailand will contribute toward expanding business of Furuya Group globally by delivering new values to our customers.
Furuya Industries (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Managing Director Takeshi Furuya
開発から生産そして品質管理まで、FURUYA(THAILAND)のPLANTにおけるベクトルは、お客様の期待する夢と価値を“具現化する”ことです。何処よりもハイレベルな生産技術の投入、そしてどこよりも最新鋭の生産設備を整え「FURUYA PRODUCTS」を世に送り出すことです。 生産現場に対する全体最適環境はもとより、クリーンルーム完備など私たちのものづくり環境の整備は、生産にかける徹底した価値追求であり「品質向上」にかけるFURUYAの特別な“こだわり”です。
Our high-grade products are produced from the quality-oriented most advanced production facilities and the best working environment.
Furuya Thailand challenges to realize dreams and values of our customers. Furuya’s high-quality products are manufactured in our factory that has the high-level of manufacturing engineering and is equipped with the most advanced production facillities.